Our lessons are always based on a common topic that we all enjoy. We travel together to the land of dinosaurs or to the penguins at the South Pole, or construct our own cars and ships. The topic gives us reason to discuss, tell stories, write and read in German.
Bilingual children
As a guideline for our students, parents and teachers, we have compiled the most important learning goals for the subject German for bilingual children for classes 1-4 from the German, Austrian and Swiss curricula. If our students have achieved all learning objectives of a class, they receive a certificate. On average about 1-2 years are needed (60-80 learning hours) for one class. When the learning goals in class 4 have been achieved, students are ready for GCSE training.
Non-bilingual children
The learning goals of the Pinguin groups (non-bilingual) are based on the learning goals of the foreign language curriculum for German in England. The Pinguine also need about 1-2 years (60-80 hours of instruction) for a level, for which they also receive a certificate.
Young people
In the GCSE and A-Level groups, the focus is increasingly on targeted exam training. We ensure that our students are all able to sit a German GCSE and an A-level exam, where possible at their own school or at an exam center we work with. Ideally, our students take their GCSE in Year 8 or 9 and their A-level in Year 12.
With our adult students, we focus entirely on individual needs. We offer telc exams as prove of a certain German language level (telc A1-C2). Telc exams are internationally recognised.
Working individually
All students work individually at their respective level and at their own pace. We use various course and exercise books, and also provide students and parents with learning materials and practice exams. It's important to us that everyone learns German right where they are!
Bilingual Children
Having fun together
Crafts, stories, singing, discussing, researching, playing on a topic, messy play
We pass on ideas, materials and book suggestions to the Küken parents
We support the Küken and their parents in language learning and bilingualism
We build personal relationships with the Küken and their parents
1. Klasse Learning Goals
To recognise, pronounce and write all German letters and sounds correctly:
AZ, Ä, Ö, Ü, Äu, Eu, Au, Ei, Ie, St, Sp, Ch, Sch -
Read and write words and short stories
Understand and follow instructions
Talk about stories and events clearly and coherently
Fill out the 1. Klasse exercise book completely and correctly
2. Klasse Learning Goals
Read a short book and talk about it
Read aloud meaningfully and appropriately for the role
Find specific information in short texts
Write their own texts, paying increasing attention to spelling patterns - capitalization of nouns , double consonants, lengthened h
Think about spelling and make educated guesses about how words might be spelled (a becomes ä, au becomes äu)
Recognizing nouns, verbs and adjectives (comparative, superlative)
Report on their own thoughts and experiences and listen to others with understanding
Fill out the 2. Klasse exercise book completely and correctly
3. Klasse Learning Goals
Get to know books by different children's book authors and evaluate what you have read
Read out word for word and line-spanning, observing sentence boundaries
Write down, describe, argue, and summarise freely or according to a template
Finding and correcting mistakes increasingly independently with the learned strategies -
Recognize ck and tz, prefixes, word families -
Verbs: basic form, present, future, past, perfect
Communicate clearly, understandably and expressively in conversation, listen actively and understand and continue conversations
Fill out the 3. Klasse exercise book completely and correctly
4. Klasse Learning Goals
Practicing advanced reading skills, reading age-appropriate texts in a meaningful way
Get to know basic text indexing methods and different forms of presentation
Extract information from different media
Practice and apply basic spelling rules, techniques and strategies
Speaking with and in front of others and following the rules of conversation
Gain insights into word, sentence and text structures
Fill out the 4. Klasse exercise book completely and correctly
Non-Bilingual Children
Level 1 Learning Goals
Colors, Numbers, Dates, Greeting, Alphabet
Weather, seasons, months, days of the week
Family, animals
At school
Body, clothes
About me, hobbies
Holidays, transportation, directions
Time, daily routines, dates
Traditions in the German speaking countries
Nouns: naming things
Verbs: everything we do, basic form
Adjectives: Describing things, opposites
Level 2 Learning Goals
Colours, Numbers, Dates, Greetings, Alphabet
Weather, seasons, nature
Family and pets
About me, hobbies
Foods, restaurant
Body, clothes
Wild animals, zoo, sea creatures
Vacation, Vehicles, City
Times, daily routines
Traditions in the German speaking countries
Nouns: articles, plural, accusative objects
Verbs: present tense conjugation, personal pronouns
Adjectives: opposites
Prepositions: local, temporal
Level 3 Learning Goals
My world and me
Family and animals
Free time - yay!
School is great!
Have a good trip!
Traditions in the German speaking countries
Conjugate verbs in the present tense
Adjectives and possessive pronouns
Accusative objects
Modal verbs
Numbers and ordinal numbers
Word order
Present to express future
Prepositions (in, on, on, next to,...)
Level 4 Learning Goals
I love holidays!
Are you a media fan?
Stay healthy!
Class trips are fun!
We go out
Traditions in the German speaking countries
Imperfect (had, gave)
Perfect with have and be
Asking questions, question words
Word order
Dative prepositions
Modal verbs
Reflexive and separable verbs
'Du' and 'Sie' - informal and formal forms
If clauses (Stimmt!3)
Verbs in the subjunctive and imperfect (Stimmt!3)
Repeat all times (Stimmt!3)
Learning Content
Off to school!
Time for leisure
Welcome to my place!
I love Vienna
On vacation and at home
All about work
A wonderful world
Holidays and traditions
Verbs (strong and weak) in the present, perfect, imperfect, pluperfect, future tense, subjunctive
Modal verbs
Asking and answering questions, interrogative words
Preferences (like, rather, prefer)
Possessive adjectives
Accusative, dative and genitive objects
Separable verbs, reflexive verbs
Prepositions with accusative and dative
Comparative and superlative
Adjective endings (nominative, accusative)
'Weil' clauses
The use of 'seit'
Infinitive clauses with 'zu'
Intensifiers (very, quite,...)
Subordinate clauses
A1 Level Learning Goals
Question words
Verbs in present time
Articles and plural
Possessive pronouns
Separable verbs
Modal verbs
Guten Tag
Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
Arbeit und Studium
Familie und Freizeit
Essen und Einkaufen
Uhrzeiten und Verabredungen
Feste und Traditionen
A2 Level Learning Goals
Prepositions (accusative, dative)
Verbs in perfect time
Adjective endings
Comparative and superlative
Wenn-sentences, dass-sentences
strong and weak verbs
Alltag in der Stadt
Was haben Sie gemacht?
Ich wohne lieber in der Stadt
Ist Mode wichtig für Sie?
Urlaub, Wetter und Gesundheit
Das Leben in Deutschland
Feste und Traditionen
B1 Level Learning Goals
Reflexive verbs
Conjunctions (weil, obwohl)
Verbs in future tense
Verbs in imperfect tense
Zu + infinitive
Leute, Leute
Schule, Ausbildung, Studium
Lifestyle, Freizeit, Kultur
Die Arbeitswelt
Berlin ist eine Reise wert
Feste und Traditionen
B1 Level Learning Goals
Substantive adjectives
'Als' and 'wenn' in the past tense
Ordinal numbers
Compound nouns
Indirect questions
Relative clauses
Verbs in pluperfect tense
Indirect speech
Ein schönes Land
Politik und Gesellschaft
Fitness, Gesundheit und Reisen
Deutschland heute
Deutschland in der Welt
Feste und Traditionen